Time – 12 hr soaking + 15 min prep. 
Serves – 2

90 g wild black rice ( blackened or wood-parched)
1 cup pomegranate seeds
1 large tomato
1 large red bell pepper
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
1 cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup fresh dill
1/4 cup green onions Juice of 1 whole lemon Salt and pepper to taste

Place the wild black rice in a pot, cover with water. Let it soak at least 12-14 hours or overnight. Then rinse well. Eating any other rice raw is not recommended. Black rice blooms when soaked overnight, and this is why it can be eaten raw. The hard outer shell of the black rice (also known as the hull) will bloom during overnight soaking. Blooming means the rice softens and the hull breaks open exposing the innards of the rice as if it were cooked. So even though it’s raw, it has the texture of being cooked.

Chop your herbs finely, cut the red bell pepper and tomato into small cubes.
In a large mixing bowl, mix all bloomed rice with the rest of the ingredients together. Give them a good toss. Taste, adjust the salt and pepper.

TIPS – You can also use cooked quinoa or rolled oats in the place of black wild rice, if you prefer.

If you loved this recipe, you might be interested in our GOURMET RAW cookbook.