1 kg Jerusalem artichoke
1 tbsp olive oil + 1 tsp salt for roasting
1/2 bunch fresh dill
Juice of 2 lemons
1 tbsp gomasio
2 tsp kombu flakes
1 tsp dulse flakes
1. Wash, brush and clean your Jerusalem artichokes. Place them in a bowl, add some salt and drizzle olive oil. Then transfer to a roasting bag. Wrap the ends. Roast in the oven at 200 C for 1 hour.
2. Once roasted, remove from the bag, transfer to a bowl. Gently mash them with a fork. We want them tender and fluffy so don’t mash too much. You may need to remove some parts of skin if it is not thin enough.
3. Add lemon juice, chopped fresh dill, kombu flakes and dulse flakes. Mix together.
4. Sprinkle some gomasio and serve with knäckebröd or your favourite bread.
In the picture it is served with beluga seed cracker from our cookbook FOOD WE LOVE.