People usually complain that making soy milk at home tastes bitter and the question is that how can I get it to taste more like packaged one?
1. Soak beans in boiled water overnight ( at least 8-10 hours)
2. In the morning pour off the soaking water and rinse beans well.
3. Start to remove the skins. For this, place beans in a large bowl filled with lukewarm water. In the water, lightly squeeze the soybeans between your fingers strongly for a few minutes, skins will be removed easily. You should get as many of the skins off as fast as possible.
4.When they are hulled, pick skins and go to waste. Wash and rinse hulled beans well. Transfer into your blender.
5.Soaking unhulled beans in boiling water will reduce the beany flavor, which is caused by lipoxygenase. So, it can be killed by the help of heat.
6.After blending and straining process, transfer your milk into a pot, add your favorite sweetener and cook on low heat at least 30 minutes or untill reach to desired taste.
I boil the beans for 1 minute and leave them to soak for 2 hours.
I then remove skins by rubbing them between my hands in water, then pouring off water with skins, adding more water, pouring off more skins. Takes less than 5 minutes.
Then I blend for two 1 minute cycles in my Nutri blender.
I strain through a layer of muslin.
Then I boil for 20 minutes over a heat dissipator to avoid sticking.
I allow to cool, make up to the correct volume (1 litre oer 100g of dried beans).
I then add a rounded teaspoon of guar gum and one of soya lecithin to some of the liquid and liquidise it, then return it to the milk.
After cooling in the fridge, this milk doesn’t taste bitter at all. Alpro organic tastes bitter in comparison.
Total cost per litre is 25p for beans (I don’t bother with organic) and perhaps 45p for gas and contribution to the blender. Much cheaper and better tasting than Alpro.
Thanx very much, I am grateful with that information . Cheers
Thnx Bro….
Here’s another way to take the beany taste from soya bean and the one I use all the time. After you cook the bean ( without salt please) drain them, do NOT mash or blend them. Place them whole in the Freezer for 2-3 hours. Then defrost and add the amount of water, salt and sweetener of choice. Now put them in a really good blender and blend until very smooth, strain and place in frig. To use slightly shake. That is it, a little longer but worth it.